About Us
Sargakshetra is a registered Charitable Trust working to uplift and empower the poor by providing them with education,training, counselling and socio-economic development programs for a sustainable independent living. The trust functions further as a nurturing ground for the creative talents of the young generation. It is afertile ground (kshetra) that cultivates and develops native human potentials and their creativity (sarga). Inspired by the vision and heritage of Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara, one of the founding fathers of the CMI congregation, we support the holistic and I integral development of individuals through education, training, proper Motivation and socio-cultural activities irrespective of their cast and creed.
Sargakshetra FM 89.6 Community Radio, is an initiative of Sargakshetra Charitable Trust to contribute to the development of society. Sargakshetra Community Radio, licensed by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India is located at Mannanam in Kottayam District, Kerala. This community radio is the practical implementation of a key provision of the constitution CMI Congregation ‘action for justice and participation in the transformation of the world’. Our coverage area ranges from 20 to 30 kilometres from the studio campus. Community Radio is not for profit and provides a mechanism for facilitating individuals, groups, and communities to tell their own diverse stories, share experiences and become active creators and contributors in a media-rich world. The purpose of this radio is to give voice to the unheard voices of communities that otherwise go unnoticed. A whole gamut of programs will be aired ranging from music, infotainment, education, health, environment, and agriculture to social welfare. We resolve to be the radio of change, an ambassador of ‘positivity, hope, optimism and goodness’.
An enlightened and empowered community, who are able to take charge of their lives, respecting social, cultural and environmental values.
To educate, express, entertain and enrich the community by broadcasting programs and enhancing community involvement in the actions pertaining to social, cultural and economic development, nurturing innovation and promoting environmental protection for the betterment of society.

Environmental stewardship

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Cultural and Artistic Expression
- Broadcast recorded as well as live programmes of various kinds through the Community Radio station as well through the internet.
- Raise awareness among the communities which ultimately ensures overall development of individuals and society as a whole.
- To promote art, music and culture by creating a variety of programmes on the rich cultural, heritage and traditions of the nation thereby creating an inclusive society using Radio as a medium.
- To produce music albums, radio documentaries and programmes of various kinds to promote the ideals of universal brotherhood, national integration, family virtues, love and non-violence.
- To act as a medium that brings up communities together and create a sense of pride.
- To bring positive changes in community through various activities
- To work for the empowerment of women, children and senior citizens, the marginalised, the vulnerable and the unnoticed group of communities.
- To receive funds for the implementation of welfare and development programmes in collaboration with individuals, funding agencies, Government Ministries and Departments at Local, national and International levels for the betterment of the society.
- Act as a medium that helps communities develop their skills and knowledge through training, opportunities to anchor and produce programmes, providing specific roles and responsibilities at the station etc.
- To organise training, workshops and enrichment programmes for disadvantaged and fragile young generations living around the area.
- Act as a medium providing high quality media services including voice recording,dubbing, editing and mixing of third-party programmes.
- Provides access to resources, technology, equipment and expertise to the community thereby converting them into expert Radio technicians, anchors or musicians.
- Act as a medium that promotes music, songs and programmes that are created by local artists/musicians.
- Liaises with arts and music organisations, co-operates with local authorities, educational institutions and arts organisations in establishing music industry seminars, masterclasses and events in order to promote better knowledge and more widespread interest about the local and national music industry.
- Promoting community development in association with governmental and non- governmental organizations.
- To plan, implement and enter into all such activities, which are not specifically mentioned above but are necessary from time to time for the fulfilment of the above objectives focusing on the advancement of rural mass irrespective of caste, religion and sex.